Dear Families, What a wonderful first week of school! We are already feeling comfortable with routines, circle time and small group time. At the end of the week, I asked each of the children what their favorite activities were for the week, and help to make a plan for the following week at school together. Here are their responses:
Things I liked about school this week:
Playdough. (Regan)
Going in the sandbox. (Madison)
Playdough and sandbox, water, house circle and books. (Bianca)
Playing with Cole outside. He's in grade 1. I love him so much and I hug him. I like playing in water too.(Cameron)
Playing house. (Sara)
water. (Luke)
Going outside and making crafts. (Kennedy)
Playing with playdough, painting, playing in the sand and eating food. (Tayler)
Coloring. (Sydney)
Playing with the dollhouse, painting and playdough. (Emma)
Going on the Old MacDonald Thing with the song in the middle. (Ava)
Playing with water. (Cole)
They helped make a plan for next week about things they would like to do:
Make red and purple playdough. We discussed about creating playdough by following a recipe that will tell us what we need to put together to make the playdough. We will need our reading, math and problem solving skills for this. I wonder what colors will make purple?
They want to experience water play this coming week. I will introduce measuring tools to help them understand how many squirts of water will fill a cup. Eye droppers with small bottles will be added to water area, to help strengthen pincher grasp and counting skills will be encouraged as they work with the properties of water at the water table.
They want to bake blueberry muffins. Since we don't have direct access to a stove, we will make blueberry pancakes instead. It fits into our discussions about "Dots" for International Dot Day on September 15th.
Children are keen to start homework this week, so "The Sharing Bag" is heading home with our first participant. We will have a new friend take home the sharing bag each day. His/her friends will ask questions to see if we can discover what is in the sharing bag!!!! A different friend takes this home each day.
We paint our dot t-shirts this week!!!!
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