We visited what we knew about rainbows and what we think we know about rainbows....we have more investigations this coming week. The children have become very knowledgeable about the six colors that make a rainbow and have become very keen in exploring and creating colors. The children love the fluid movement of paint on paper.
We also created our own suncatchers with water in glass bottles. To strengthen pencil grip, the children had to fill glass bottles by using eye droppers and transfer water from one container to the next. When the bottle was full, the children were able to create their own water color and then we placed it in the window. They are beautiful.
The children created magic rainbow names, by tracing through paper with markers. This is a carry over from our work with "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" and becoming familiar with each other's names. We are now finding out more about our names and how special we are. We are doing a story sack study of "Shoe Shoe and Sais Sais" (Empathy Based Education resource of friendship and caring).